A little note regarding John Burgum. In the collection of The Museums at Stony Brook in New York, is an Abbot-Downing Stagecoach painted by John Burgum. A harbor scene adorns one door, while the other is embellished with an image of a western stagecoach at full gallop pursued by hostile Indians across the plains.
Also in their collection is the "Grace Darling" an omnibus built by the Concord Carriage Builders of Concord, N.H. ca. 1880. The artwork on the interior of the omnibus was that of John Burgum. The omnibus was a gift of St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H. in 1952.
The museum is now known as the Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages.
Click on for information on the above museum. We all know that the world famous Abbot-Downing Concord Coaches were the product of combined efforts of wheelwrights, woodworkers, blacksmiths, painters, trimmers, leatherworkers, and a host of other laborers. John Burgum received his due in regards to the beautiful artwork on the stagecoach doors. Can anyone provide me with more information on Charles Knowlton that executed the beautiful scrollwork on each of the handsome coaches. It would be most appreciated. | | Concord Coach Photos |
Click on and visit the New Hampshire Historical Society, site of the above Abbot-Downing Stagecoach. Visit their library, museum and gift shop. You can request information on the Concord Coaches listed in their Abbot-Downing order books. New site to check out. Interesting! CHILDREN'S BOOKS
Check out the following books:
Nine For California by Sonia Levitin - illustrated by Cat Bowman Smith
STAGECOACH - The Ride of a Century by A Richard Mansir
My purpose on this site it to educate individuals - especially children - on how important the Abbot-Downing Stagecoaches were in opening the American West. The counter above does not work - it's just a joke. If I reach just one individual a week I'll be happy. Hope I have added to your educational experience.
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